Wilderness Survival
Survival 101
Forget what you see on television and come learn the real skills to survive a wilderness emergency. Combining decades of search and rescue experience, hands on training, and realistic scenarios, this course will prepare you and your family for life’s adventures.
Trail Safe
The woods are one of the safest places to hang out, but if you have concerns about two or four legged predators in the woods, then this is your course. We’ll cover the skills to handle all these potential threats, along with six, eight, and legless critters.
Wilderness First Aid
Injury is the leading cause of wilderness emergencies. Spend two days with our Search & Rescue team medics and learn the skills to confidently handle those emergencies. This course is taught based upon the Emergency Safety Care Institute curriculum.
Survival 201
This is a test. I repeat, this is a test.
Take your training to the next level by challenging your mind, body, and spirit. Three days of scenario based training combined with hands on instruction, will help push your mindset, skills, and gear to the next level.
Custom Classes
Got a private group or want a custom class? From corporate retreats, game wardens, and Boy Scout troops, to bachelor parties, family trips, and reality show contestants, BigPig Outdoors can work with you to achieve those goals.