Family Readiness Assessment


Be prepared for what?…

Why, for any old thing.
— Lord Baden-Powell
Family Readiness Assessment


Full comprehensive family readiness assessment and live online consult (2 hours) by a survival and self-reliance expert to discuss and develop a family emergency readiness plan. Includes a follow up complete custom gear recommendation report and personalized plan tailored to your family's needs.

In uncertain times, this 20 point “inspection” will help you objectively identify areas that need more focus. We will hit everything from the basics (shelter, water, food, medical) to the more advanced topics (area intelligence, evacuation, security, NBC preparation) ad more.


"I participated in the Family Readiness Assessment with Andrew Herrington and it exceeded all of my expectations. Not only did he cover well over a dozen of relevant topics related to physical readiness (i.e. water and food), but he also addressed the relational and psychological needs. This was invaluable to me. Furthermore, given that I was starting with next to zero knowledge or readiness, Andrew's calm and encouraging manner of engaging the material was tremendous. He helped me not rush headlong into doing too much too fast, but to simply identify the next steps. I, and my family, are so very grateful for this course." - D. H.